About me

Here is a more interactive version of my CV. Press the lines marked with ▶ for more details.

Research statement

I aim to build understanding of the physics of candidate models of gravity and dark energy in analytically inaccessible regimes by use of state of the art simulations. Doing so is a promising avenue to discriminating novel theories, and to prepare their modelling for confrontation with upcoming surveys.

  • October 2024 ⇨ 2026?: Postdoctoral position - Central European Institute of Cosmology (CEICO), Prague

    Will be working on among other simulations of modified gravity and extended cosmological models.

  • 2020 ⇨ September 2024: PhD in Astrophysics - Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA), University of Oslo (UiO)

    Project: Modified Gravity at Galaxy Cluster Scales using N-body simulations. Started in September. Supervised by David F. Mota.

  • 2018 ⇨ 2020: MSc in Astrophysics - ITA, UiO

    Thesis title: “Charged Black Hole Mergers: Emissions, Orbital Evolution, Gravitational Waveform and Observer Bias”. Work resulted in 3 papers. Supervised by David F. Mota and Jose Beltrán Jiménez.

  • 2015 ⇨ 2018: BSc in Physics - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim

    with a theoretical and numerical profile. Ask for subject and grades.

  • Teaching
    • AST2000: Introduction to Astrophysics,
        UiO, fall 2020, 2021 & 2023
    • FYS-MEK1110: Mechanics,
        UiO, spring 2019
    • FYS1120: Electromagnetism,
        UiO, fall 2018
    • FY2450: Astrophysics,
        NTNU, spring 2018
    • FY1001: Mechanical Physics,
        NTNU, fall 2017 & 2016
    • FY1003: Electromagnetism,
        NTNU, spring 2017
    • Training: I have received formal pedagogical training through the NTNU ' LAOS ' programme, and the UiO eqiuvalent
  • Internships Summer researcher: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, UiO, during both the summer of 2019 & 2020
  • Conferences, schools & abroad
    • Participated in workshop: EuroHack24: High Performance Computing Applications Programming Hackathon, Lugano, October 2024
    • Public defence of PhD degree plus trial lecture: Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo, September 18th 2024
    • Gave talk: Friday colloquium, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo, September 6th 2024
    • Gave talk: Theory seminar, Department of Physics, Oslo, August 28th 2024
    • Invited talk: DScience lunch seminar, Centre for Computational and Data Science, University of Oslo, May 16th 2024
    • Conference: Euclid consortium meeting, Rome, June 2024
    • Gave talk: gevolution users’ meeting, Seealpsee, Switzerland, June 14th 2024
    • Research visit (gave talk): University of Geneva, for 4 months, January-May 2024
    • Invited talk: Institute For Research In Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, February 20th 2024
    • Invited talk: University of Heidelberg, February 6th 2024
    • Research visit (gave talk): University of Zurich, February 2nd 2024
    • Conference (gave talk): First nordic cosmology meeting, Stockholm, October 2023
    • Research visit (gave talk): Salamanca, Departamento de Física Fundamental, for 1 week, September 2023
    • Research visit (gave talk): Prague CEICO, for five months, July-December, 2023
    • Conference: Euclid consortium meeting, Copenhagen, June 2023
    • Gave talk: UCT conference, Cape Town, December 2022
    • Gave talk: Friday Colloquium, ITA, Oslo, December 2022
    • Gave talk: Cosmology group, Oxford, August 2022
    • School: ICTP summer school on cosmology, Trieste, Italy, July 2022
    • Gave talk: gevolution users’ meeting Zurich, in June 2022
    • Research visit: Portsmouth ICG, for three months, May-August 2022
    • Conference: Euclid consortium meeting, Oslo, April 2022
    • Presented poster: Tonale Winter School on Cosmology, 2021, Italy
    • Gave talk: The Unbearable Lightness of the Universe (Cosmology) 2021, CEICO, Prague
    • School: 31st Chris Engelbrecht Summer School for Gravitational Waves, 2020, UCT, Cape Town
    • Research visit (gave talk): Salamanca, Departamento de Física Fundamental, for 1 week, October 2019
    • Conference: European Einstein Toolkit Meeting 2019, King’s College, London